I'm so excited to receive this award from http://rileyscustomcreations.blogspot.com/ here are my fav and 8 blogs that I think you would enjoy.
This is a pay-it-forward style award. Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.
So here are 8 things about me:
1. I'm a dental assistant
2. I have two beautiful girls and one adorable granddaughter
3. I live for my fur babies
4. Food I couldn't live without pizza and Pepsi
5. One day I want to travel the country and visit every state
6. I'm addicted to romance novels
7. My favorite color is purple
8. I play Christmas music all year
And here are the 8 bloggers I would like to pass along this award to:
1. www.cricutprojectoftheday.blogspot.com
2. www.beautifuldelightsblog.blogspot.com
3. www.kristispapercreations.blogspot.com
4. www.thehomemakerscricutj.blogspot.com
5. www.pitababefromoz.blogspot.com
6. www.ollieanddextersmommy.blogspot.com
7. www.softbrn.blogspot.com
8. www.beccascraftycorner.blogspot.com
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