Tuesday, October 22, 2013

acmoore haul 10-20-13

Finally some new stuff my acmoore hasn't updated their store in a few years they are getting some new items through out the craft department.

project life storage

A quick video on how I store my project life cards.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

New Stuff @ Acmoore

I made a trip to acmoore yesterday not looking for anything, just browsing and I walked up the scrapbook aisle and did a girly scream and happy dance (which my daughter was like must be new stuff) OMG!!! their getting project life what I can't believe no more buying online or going to my Michael's for them not to have anything and then they're getting snap items too happy dance times two.  Well my trips to acmoore will become a lot more with this coming in and I can use a coupon happy dance again, the first group if photos are what's coming and the second group  is what I brought.